Here comes summer.

Konoha is participating in this round of FaMESHed with the ‘Platanus Mari – Old Plane Tree T1‘. This is a stunningly beautiful mature Platanus, or plane tree. And if you know your trees you know that this one is big, as it should be. I had to resize mine down a little to fit more of it in my picture. It is 46 Li out of the box, copy/modify, and season change menu upon Touch. A gorgeous eye-catcher, in your park, or in the wild. Other plants in this picture are also from Konoha, see list below.

For this round of the Cosmopolitan event, CHEZ MOI released the Camperini Set. PG and Adult versions. The set contains camping chair, and portable kitchen. Both come with numerous animations; solo and couple, temp attach props, and the kitchen also comes with 11 activity animations. Texture change HUD for the chair. Copy/Modify. Always a lot of fun and enjoyment, with CHEZ MOI creations in your home.

Imegica has the Victoria house on sale at 50% off for this week’s Fifty Fifty sale event, and today is the LAST DAY. Lol, I’m happy every time I manage to squeeze in a sale item on my blog. This is a Victorian style house with a garage extension. Intricate layout, two big porches, the biggest one in the back. This house is so charming and idyllic, and spacious! 2 main living areas + kitchen + 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms (or more bedrooms) + 1 car garage. Touch the blinds of the arched window above the garage door, and you get to choose between 13 colors for the exterior wooden walls. Touch the blinds of the top arched window to rez snow roof. 2 versions available; with and without a built-in fireplace.

Imegica Victoria House details: 117 Li (114 without fireplace) – 24.4 m x 30 m x 15.6 m high, or 732 sqm – Copy/Modify/Transfer.

  • Konoha – Platanus Mari – Old Plane Tree T1 @ FaMESHed (until May 27th 2024)
  • Konoha – Fluffy Natoma Grass
  • Konoha – “Jest” Bushes
  • Konoha – “Jest” Weeds II – Summer Blossoms Set
  • Konoha – Buttercups – Ranunculus aamilee
  • .imegica. Victoria House – 50% off for Fifty Fifty Sales until May 17th 2024 LAST DAY!