Donuts and meditation.

The very charming and cute Ava Desk Cabinet by Imegica, is available at this round of the Cosmopolitan event. The Ava chair is included, with 13 single animations. The Ava Desk Cabinet comes with and without decor and laptop. The laptop is a functional browser. I listened to Blender Guru sculpting donuts in while setting up this scene, and ended up trying a little chakra meditation lol I needed to balance them a little, it can sometimes be frustrating to learn something completely new.

For your inner peace and chakra balancing, LORE has the Ceramic Wall Chakras, and Boho Wall Beads out at this round of Flourish. The Ceramic Wall Chakras come in 3 texture options, I’m displaying the classic chakra colored one. The beads come in 4 different versions, and I’ve chosen the natural version for this scene. There’s also a gorgeous Pyramid diffuser, to complete the set. I’m going to make room for it in one of my next scenes.