At Arkaig Castle Market.

Need something to smile about today? Click to see the HQ picture, then zoom to read the trade signs on the market stall, prithee.

LORE is participating at the Fantasy Faire with the Medieval Merchant Stall in several wood types and colors, an impressive collection of crystals, and merchant stall signs. 100% of the revenue from the crystal market barrels set, and stall signs collection, are donated to the Relay for Life fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. This is the last day of the faire, make sure to visit before they close!

I decorated the courtyard of the beautiful Arkaig Castle by FANATIK for a market day. Proper medieval style, you see. The castle is a older release by FANATIK, but oh em gee it is still an absolutely stunning build! The courtyard terrain has season change options, I totally love this, it is perfect for roleplay sims or even as an attraction for photographers and explorers. I used the FANATIK stone path building kit to build a path from one side of the courtyard to the other. The kit contains 6 different path shapes and texture change HUD.

The grass and the bushes are available in the Konoha mainstore.

  • Konoha – Fluffy Natoma Grass
  • Konoha – “Jest” Bushes