Slow morning.

Who doesn’t love slow mornings, when you don’t have to be anywhere, or do anything? You’re up, and you putter around the house, doing unimportant things. You know what? It is good for the soul. A way to give your own mental health a long deep inhale exhale, in between everything else. I am no expert in the field, I speak from my own experience only. If you’re constantly busy, with work and chores that feel like work, or stuff in general that drain your batteries. When your daily grind stresses you out one way or another, and you don’t take breaks like this, you will end up hitting that invisible wall. Welcome, burnout. My little message today is never feel guilty about having a slow morning. It’s an inexpensive way of self-care.

I’m blogging the ARCBACK outfit #127; a relaxed smart casual outfit which consists of 4 separate pieces, with even more ways of wearing them. You have pants, suspenders, t-shirt, and open shirt with rolled-up sleeves. Beautifully textured pieces, ARCBACK style and colors. You can wear the shirt with or without the t-shirt, and the t-shirt can be worn without the shirt. Suspenders are separate, but I do like to wear them for a relaxed look. All pieces come with amazing texture options via HUDs. The #127 pieces are now available in the ARCBACK mainstore.

To make my slow morning complete, I can enjoy my cup of coffee outside, on the Bricolage Verano Bench. This is such a lovely set! The bench comes in PG and Adult versions, and it offers several color choices for the bench itself and the pillows. You also have the Verano table, plant, magazine, and a cup of green tea which isn’t in this picture because I’m having coffee πŸ˜„

The porch I’m on belongs to the Imegica Victoria House, and it’s the same house you can see in the background. It’s on sale in the Imegica mainstore, for the Fifty Fifty Sales, until May 17th. I hope I have time to do a proper feature of the house before then. Fingers crossed! But do hop on over to the Imegica store and check it out!


  • Vango – Brad hair
  • RAKE Facial Hair -David- EvoX
  • #127 [ ARCBACK ]:
    • 127 [ ARCBACK ] – Shirt
    • 127 [ ARCBACK ] – TShirt
    • 127 [ ARCBACK ] – Suspender
    • 127 [ ARCBACK ] – Pants
  • Fancy Decor: Agosti Espresso Coffee Machine – Espresso @ EQUAL10 (until June 5th 2024)
  • not so bad . CYRUS sneakers


  • .imegica. Victoria House – 50% off for Fifty Fifty Sales until May 17th
  • Konoha β€“ Lilac – Syringa
  • Konoha β€“ β€œJest” Bushes

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